Mold Removal - Interesting Facts about Mold and Mildew
Did you know?
Here are a few interesting facts about mold and mold removal:
Here are a few interesting facts about mold and mold removal:
- Did you know that mildew is mold? We often think they're two entirely different things, but they're not!
- Did you know that mold doesn't need light to grow? That's why you'll often find it in hidden, often unseen areas of your home.
- Did you know that mold DOES need oxygen to grow? Just like any other living and growing organism...
- Did you know that mold NEEDS moisture in order grow? The optimal humidity levels for mold growth is 70 to 93% relative humidity (RH.) This is why a good and powerful dehumidifier
is a must for many households.
Labels: inhibit mold growth, mold facts, mold hints, mold removal, mold tips